Registration is now open for the 18th Annual SeaKing/S61 Symposium! Hosted by CanWest Aerospace in...
S76A++ in for Major Maintenance.
A customer requested to have his instrument panel upgraded with a new audio panel and...
This is GEZR, a 1979 Bell 206. GEZR will be getting a full exterior re-paint,...
Check out one of our latest projects: MVP50P install into an Amphib Skywagon ...
Tags avionics, canwest, engine analyzer, install, INSTRUMENTS, langley regional, projects, rivers edge, skywagon
MD93 Digital Clock and USB Charger You can now keep your tablet charged while...
Tags ANDROID, avionics, canwest, canwest aerospace, CHARGER, CLOCK, INSTUMENTS, IPAD, IPHONE, langley regional, MID-CONTINENTAL, TABLET, USB
Did you know we are now a certified Ram Mount dealer? [clear]Do you use your...
Get a Free AXP340 with the Purchase of a IFD540 IFD540 FMS/NAV/GPS/COM The IFD540 represents...
Click Here : 25% OFF calendar inspections with any purchase over $1000
Tags aerospace, avidyne, avionics, axp340, blog, canwest, canwest aerospace, com, cynj, fms, free, garmin, gps, helicopter, ifd540, langley, langley regional, mro, promo, promotions, rivers edge, transponder